You may contact Verizon customer care in a variety of methods, but if you need to talk with a live person, you should use the proper method. You can use the Verizon customer service number to talk with a live person, as described below.’ Guidelines to connect Verizon Customer Service Avail option here To begin, you have to dial Verizon's customer service phone number and tap 0 soon after you hear a computerized voice after connecting to them. Then the computerized voice will ask that why you have called them, after which you have to press 0 on your keypad one more time. After which, you will be directed by the computerized voice to enter the PID number linked to your account. Then you should start typing your PID number, and enter # at the end so that your call will get transferred to a real human. As a result, finally your phone will be picked by a live person from the customer service team of Verizon and you can speak to them regarding your query to obtain a suitable solution fo...